Get Instagram followers - 1,000 real fans in 4 weeks

Become a star on Instagram and get more followers

Do you run an online business and want to take your Instagram account to the next level? Building a following of over 1,000 on Instagram can also be crucial for your business. If you're asking yourself: "how do I get 10,000 followers on instagram?" then learn how to really build your first 1,000 followers and then simply do more.

This not only gives you credibility in your niche, but also increases brand awareness and drives more traffic to your website. We'll show you how to get Instagram followers and earn more money.

Why is getting Instagram followers important?

Instagram followers are definitely pretty useful when it comes to promoting your brand or business. Not only do they give your profile a boost, but they also give you a good dose of credibility with your customers and potential customers.

Yes, you heard right! The number of followers you have on social media can actually make the difference when it comes to how much influence you have and how much money you can earn.

Imagine you are a company with a considerable number of followers. You're the boss, the king or queen of the Instagram world. People see you and think: "Wow, they've really got something! Look how many followers they have!"

And you know what? This admiration pays off. Because when you have a strong Instagram profile, doors and opportunities open up for you that others might not have.

But let's not forget that we are here Personality are allowed to flow in. Imagine if you had so many followers that you could bathe in them. You could afford a follower butler to help you manage your social media commitments...

Become a celebrated star on Instagram with more followers and real fans

Okay, maybe we're exaggerating a bit, but you get the point. More followers mean more influence and more opportunities to make your brand or business a success.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. With more than a billion users, it's a great place to promote your business and attract new customers. Unfortunately, there is no Instagram follower trick. We'll have to disappoint you if you were expecting a hack or trick here.ย 

ATTENTION: When operating business accounts, the acquisition of followers must be strictly avoided in order to prevent consequences under competition law or criminal proceedings. According to the Act against Unfair Competition (UWG)such "unfair commercial practices" are not permitted.

But why is getting Instagram followers important? In this article, you'll find out why Instagram followers are so important and how you can build up your first 1,000 followers on Instagram in just 4 weeks.

A picture is worth a thousand words - but what about 1,000 followers?

Instagram is not only a platform for pictures and videos, but also a place to share your Online Business build up and apply, your Brand known and new customers to gain followers. To start building your follower count, interact with other users' content by liking and commenting on their posts. Getting 1000 followers on Instagram for free is real work.

But wait! If you leave clumsy comments, it can quickly backfire. Respond to the post in question and reply with a pinch of added value. This not only helps to build relationships with potential followers, but also increases your visibility on the platform.

Use hashtags relevant to your industry or niche to attract new followers who are interested in content similar to yours. Mix these hashtags for each new post and add an explanatory # to your post.

How to build your first 1,000 followers on Instagram in 4 weeks

There are many ways to get Instagram followers without following others. One way is to publish regular posts on your channel. Another way is to collaborate with influencers and use their reach.

However, high-reach infuencers usually only want to work with entrepreneurs who have a certain reach and at least 1,000 followers.

But how do you build up your first 1,000 followers on Instagram in just 4 weeks? Here are some valuable tips:

  • Use relevant hashtags
  • Create high-quality content
  • Interact with other users
  • Use Instagram Reels
  • Go live weekly
  • enter into cooperations
  • Search for suitable infuencers
  • Use routines and small time units
  • Create new posts regularly
Important note: Do not buy Instagram followers! Instagram will notice and it can cost you your channel!

The most important thing is your plan. Make a precise plan of when you will do what. Do you want to publish a new post every 2 days? Can you manage to post a reel every day? Or will you find a suitable Instagram partner with whom you can go live every week to build up even more reach in record time?

Answer all the questions and create your content plan.

Are Instagram hashtags still relevant at all?

If you have already created posts, then you have probably used hashtags before. They have been around since the early days of the platform and have become a popular feature for users. This is because # allows you to categorize your posts and increase the visibility of a post.

However, because changes are constantly being made to the algorithms and new functions are being added, many people are wondering whether hashtags are still relevant. Surely you do too!

The short answer is: Yes - hashtags are still relevant on Instagram. They can still be a powerful tool to increase your reach and engagement on the platform.

When used correctly, hashtags can help your content to be found by people who are not yet following you. This means that your content gets more attention, which can lead to new followers and potential customers.

Nevertheless, it is important, Use hashtags strategically. So we set off, do some research and find relevant hashtags for your account.

Use relevant hashtags for your target group

Look at what similar accounts are using in your niche and create a list of these hashtags. Also mix in some more general hashtags that relate to the content in question.

Get the right Instagram followers with Hashtag Shuffle

Don't use hashtags too often, as this can come across as spam and affect the quality of your posts. Stick to about 20 relevant hashtags per post and mix in about 5 topical hashtags. And another important note: if your community speaks German, only use German # hashtags.ย 

One possibility is a Instagram Hashtag Generator to be used.

Attention: never use more than 30 hashtags, otherwise all hashtags are ineffective! It's best to use only 10-20 relevant hashtags and test them out.

Don't forget to create branded hashtags for your business or personal brand. This is a mega awesome way to build a community around your content and promote user-generated content with that particular hashtag.

Find perfect influencers and work with them

Influencers can help you get more Instagram followers. There are many ways to work with big and well-known influencers. Here are some tips:

  • Find influencers that suit your company.
  • Create a list of potential influencers and contact them.
  • Offer them something in return, e.g. free products or a payment.
  • Draw up a clear agreement on the collaboration*.
  • Publish the collaboration on your Instagram channel.
  • Here is a link to an article that may help you learn more about the topic:
  • Collaborations among influencers: 7 ideas for a collaboration with another influencer

*If you have an online shop, you can download a sample influencer contract from the Hรคndlerbund: Hรค contract

You can find out how to find the right influencer for you and your offer at Contra 2024. Get to grips with the most successful influencers and how you can cooperate with them.

Create a high-quality Instagram presence

A high-quality Instagram presence is the key to success on this platform. Your profile should look professional and reflect your personality. Use a high-quality profile picture and a meaningful bio. You can find out more about this in our article: Your professional Instagram profile in 5 minutes

Get more followers - Instagram profile for more requests

Get more Instagram followers and interact with them

If you get more followers, you can make a lot of sales and rock your business. That's great! What if we told you that you can achieve even more with a growing Instagram community? With every new follower, you not only gain a fan, but a potential customer. The more followers you have, the greater your credibility and therefore your influence.

How do you get people queuing up to follow you on Instagram? The secret is: you have to give them a reason to love you! Offer them real added value with your content, be it through informative posts, inspiring pictures or funny stories. Show them that you are not just an entrepreneur, but a real personality with humor and passion.ย 
And hey, don't forget to interact with your followers! Welcome every new follower to your community. Do it in your language. Reply to comments, like their posts and send them virtual high-fives. Show them that they are important to you and that you appreciate their support. This is how you build a real community that will love you and recommend you to others.
Leave comments on posts that you like, even if the users are not yet followers. Other users will read your comment and become curious about you. With the right strategy, you can get new followers faster.

Editorial recommendations to get the right Instagram followers:

We recommend that you adhere to Instagram's community guidelines and do not use purchased followers. No matter how tempting the offers are that keep popping up in the DMs. Faster than you can say online business, your account will be banned.

And believe us: the account is and will remain gone! And with it, all your work, your content, your followers and your Instagram name. So you're starting from scratch again. At least you can then follow our instructions and maybe do better...

So, grab your hashtags, make some funny stories and captivate people with your irresistible content. Because if you do it right, you'll not only get more followers, you'll also make the world laugh and celebrate your success on Instagram. And to help you create even better reels and photos, a Cell phone holderthat you always have with you without it taking up more space.

Would you rather have more support in building your Instagram world and grow into a strong brand faster? Do you simply have too little time to build and inspire your community with interactions? Then we've got something for you!


About the author

Oliver Albrecht (February 19, 1988 in Berlin) is an entrepreneur and mentor in the digital business. With his experience as a former director and filmmaker for renowned brands and hotel chains, Oliver has perfected the craft of emotional brand communication. In particular, his work for brands such as Hermann Scherer, Tobias Beck, Denys Scharnweber and Business Factory, as well as for international hotel groups such as Steigenberger & Constantinous Bros, set new standards in terms of brand visibility and sales growth.

Today, Oliver is considered a leading expert when it comes to taking the marketing and sales of trainers, coaches and the self-employed to the next level. His approach is based on the concept of "holistic mentoring" and the integration of spirituality into everyday business life. With a special focus on effective marketing & sales for trainers and coaches, he helps his clients to achieve location-independent freedom.

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If you don't speak positively about yourself, who will?" As a business mentor, Oliver Albrecht helps people to become more radiant and visible. He is a master of images and his expertise on visibility is a top recommendation.


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Oliver Albrecht fascinates with his personality from the very first second. Pure diversity paired with emotion and a strong foundation of know-how - that is Oliver Albrecht.


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