Free personality test

Discover your entrepreneurial personality in 7 minutes using the PACE method

Free online personality test - Find your entrepreneurial type

Why is the PACE personality test your game changer in digital business?

Success in marketing and sales starts with yourself. With the PACE personality test, developed by Oliver Albrechtyou will dive deep into the essence of your entrepreneurial strengths and find the path to authentic growth and the freedom to work from anywhere. Your four core qualities - helpfulness, experience, open-mindedness and resilience - form the solid foundation for this tailor-made journey.

Start the test now and let an individual evaluation that is perfectly tailored to your digital business. And if you're ready to go one step further, there's a Personal analysis meeting ready. Here we will develop your full potential together and set sail for the next level of your business.

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What type of personality are you as an entrepreneur?

In the world of entrepreneurship, there are no fixed pigeonholes. People are unique, and so are their entrepreneurial qualities. The PACE personality test is about identifying the Explore facets of your entrepreneurial personality. You may find yourself in more than one type, because nobody is restricted to just one category.

Our model is based on the proven traits and skills that entrepreneurs develop in their journey. You will find that some of these types are already very present in you, while others are still in hibernation. This is normal, and this is where we come in:
We would like to offer you the opportunity to grow with your strengths to meet your challenges.

It is important to note, that our types are based on a simplified model and are not set in stone.
Personality is complex and multi-faceted, and every entrepreneur has their own unique nuances.

🃏 The game changer (P)

The Gamechanger (P) is a passionate shaper of business. With unshakeable self-confidence and determination, he takes on challenges and makes bold decisions. Their resilience and striving for personal development make them the driving force behind every successful company. Immerse yourself in the world of the Gamechanger and unleash your full potential.

🎯 The planner (A)

The planner (A) lives the digital business. He masters the dance between Excel charts and key figures, finding his rhythm in the data universe. As an architect of careful planning and a driving force in marketing & sales, he optimizes with precision. His keen eye for detail creates the basis for integral scaling and predictable sales. The bridge between vision and implementation - here it is: The planner.

🛟 The friend (C)

The friend (C) leads digital business with heart and soul. As a networker par excellence, he seamlessly combines business and change. His company is not just a tool, but a beacon for positive change and building a harmonious community. With his empathy, he attracts people and creates authentic, deep connections and acts as a link in teams.

🎬 The creative (E)

The Creative (E) is the driving force behind innovative ideas in digital business. With a clear vision, he strives for revolutionary changes in the market. His elixir of life is creativity, which drives him to constantly reinvent himself and his business. Discover the world of creativity and turn your boldest ideas and visions into reality - your talent is impossible to make possible.

🦎 The chameleon

The chameleon is a unique mixture of individual PACE types. It has mastered the art of adapting very quickly to different business requirements. With the ability to switch flexibly between types, it creates harmonious synergies and exceptional solutions. The chameleon embodies diversity in entrepreneurship and is a master of change in any situation. If you are looking for the versatility to master all aspects of your business - here it is: The Chameleon.

What is a personality test?

Digital business is not just about numbers and strategies, but above all about people and their personalities.

The PACE personality test dives deep into the core of your personality. Are you the game changer who changes the game? The planner who always thinks ahead? The friend who values connections? Or the creative who constantly pushes the boundaries of what's possible? Perhaps a chameleon who adapts everywhere?

In just 7-9 minutes, our free personality test will provide you with Clarity about your entrepreneurial identity. This knowledge will not only make your marketing & sales more effective, but also more authentic. After the test you will receive a customized evaluationwhich provides valuable insights into how you can work in harmony with every type of entrepreneur.

This is the boost for your business that takes it to the next level. It is the integration of spirituality and practical application. The PACE personality test opens the door to a deep understanding of yourself and your business partners - a key to sustainable success in digital business.

Free personality test - Our free personality test helps you to understand your personal behavior
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You receive your personal result directly

The moment you complete the free PACE personality test marks the beginning of your journey to an authentic and scalable digital business. You receive your personal result straight away - Tailored to your personality. In this evaluation you will find valuable impulses that suit your type of entrepreneur and can be realistically implemented.

This in-depth understanding of your strengths and weaknesses will be the key to predictable sales and real engagement. With the online personality test PACE, you not only find out who you are, but also how you operate best in digital business. This is not a simple test - this is a bridge to your best version as an entrepreneur. Let's walk this path together!

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Test your personality free of charge using the PACE method

Dive deep into the world of your digital entrepreneurial self. With our customized evaluation tool, you lay the foundation for predictable sales, authentic marketing and location-independent freedom. Create deep, genuine connections with your customers and experience the magic of noticeably easier growth.

Enter your first name and e-mail address to which we can send your personal result after the free personality test.
The test takes approx. 8-10 minutes.

Questions about the PACE personality test

Discover how you can digital business as a trainer, coach and entrepreneur to create true independence and freedom while at the same time deeply touching your customers with authenticity and integrity.

Once you have successfully completed the PACE personality test, your exciting journey to an authentic and scalable digital business really begins. Our online personality test, designed specifically for trainers, coaches and committed entrepreneurs, offers far more than just a superficial insight into your personality. It marks the beginning of an in-depth journey that focuses on your individual strengths, values and goals.

The information you provide in the test not only offers insights into your personality, but also serves as a Basis for a customized evaluation. This evaluation is much more than just a result - it is a map for your personal growth in business. It allows you to emphasize your strengths and work on your weaknesses to become a Successful, authentic marketing and predictable sales.

With a deeper understanding of your personality, you will be able to develop not only more effective, but also more authentic marketing strategies. You will learn how to best adapt to your target audience and how to communicate your message in a way that really suits you.

However, your journey does not end here. The PACE personality test is not a simple degree, but rather a beginning. It lays the foundation for your entrepreneurial development and allows you to bring out the best in yourself. If you are ready to delve even deeper into your personality and achieve your business goals, we will be happy to assist you. In a personal analysis session, we will find out together how you can realize your full potential and take your business to the next level.

All information on data protection is also in our privacy policy listed.

The from Oliver Albrecht developed PACE personality test model provides a unique insight into the human psyche and categorizes personalities into five concise types. Each type represents individual strengths and weaknesses. It is important to understand that pure personality types are rare and make up only about 1-2 % of the population. Of these, approximately 0.8 % are female.

The game changersymbolized by the "P" in the PACE method, stands for purposeful and focused action. These personalities are consistently self-confident and pursue their visions with enthusiasm. They motivate not only themselves, but also those around them.

The plannerrepresented by the "A", is characterized by an analytical and structured approach. With a keen eye for detail, they also master complex systems and exude reliability.

The friendsymbolized by the "C", is the bridge to empathy. With a natural feel for the emotions of others, they value deep and meaningful relationships. They are often the social network of their environment.

The creativethe "E" in PACE, is the innovator among the types. With an unconventional view of the world, they often find creative solutions to everyday problems and put their ideas into practice.

The chameleonrepresented by the entire acronym of the PACE methodology, is a mixture of all the previous types and stands for entrepreneurs who can adapt optimally depending on the situation. With a wide range of skills they are characterized by adaptability and constant further development.

The question of the best personality test is on many people's minds, especially when they are looking for ways to enhance their personal and professional growth. There are a variety of personality tests on the market, including well-known ones such as the "16 personalities" and the "Thought refueling personality test". Each of these tests has its own merits and can offer valuable insights.

However, the PACE personality test, developed by Oliver Albrecht, is an outstanding option designed specifically for trainers, coaches and dedicated entrepreneurs. This test aims to not only capture your personality, but also how you can use these insights effectively in your digital business. It's more than just a test; it's the start of a personal development journey that will take you on a journey to maximize your strengths and potential.

While other personality tests can provide important information, the PACE personality test is characterized by its practical orientation and focus on digital business. It helps you to make the connection between your personality and your success in business. This test can help you do just that, develop more effective marketing strategiesto develop better communication skills and generate more sales overall.

It is important to emphasize that there is no "single best" personality test, as the choice of a test depends on your individual goals and needs. However, the PACE personality test is an excellent choice if you want to be successful in digital business and are looking for a customized solution that will help you make the most of your personal strengths.

The "Gedankentanken Personality Test" is another remarkable test that is often used by people to better understand their personality. In combination with the PACE personality test, you can gain even deeper insights into your personality and get a holistic view of your strengths and potential. Both tests complement each other and offer you the opportunity to take your development to a higher level.

He divides personalities into five unique types: the Gamechanger, the Creative, the Friend, the Planner and the Chameleon. Each of these types represents individual strengths and weaknesses that are crucial for personal and professional development. However, the PACE test goes beyond simply identifying personality types. It is designed to help entrepreneurs and the self-employed recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and use them successfully in their business. The test offers not only insights, but also concrete recommendations on how to use these insights to conduct authentic marketing, achieve predictable sales and develop better communication and sales strategies. It is important to note that no personality test is perfect, and the results may not always be 100% accurate. Personality tests are a tool that can be used to develop a better understanding of one's personality and identify opportunities for personal and professional development. However, the PACE personality test stands out for its targeted focus on entrepreneurs and the self-employed. So if you're looking for a personality test that not only identifies your personality, but also shows you specific ways to achieve your business goals, the PACE personality test could be the right choice for you.

The precision of personality tests is a question that interests many people. Personality tests, such as the PACE personality test, offer an insight into individual personality and can provide valuable findings. But how accurate are these tests?

An online test can never be 100 % correct. Every test that deals with personality has its own strengths and weaknesses and can only depict a limited part of the personality. Some tests are criticized because they do not take into account the respondent's current emotional state. This means that the test does not take into account the personality traits of the respondent.

Test results can be influenced by individual differences in perception and interpretation as well as external factors such as stress, fatigue or distraction. However, it can be a valuable tool for gaining insight into a person's personality and taking these findings into account when making decisions.

It is important to emphasize that personality tests should not be used as the sole basis for important decisions such as hiring, promotions or career changes. They should serve as a guide for the participant and be evaluated individually by an expert.

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